Congratulations on having a paper accepted into the conference!

There are a few minor housekeeping items we need to take care of before you proceed. You will receive an email from the program chair providing basic instructions on copyright and registration. Copyright transfer to the IEEE is essential so please fill it in early. We are very lucky to have a few generous sponsors promoting this event or funding the tea breaks so please ensure that you are using the required template.

The template can be downloaded at the link below. You must use the template provided.
Cyber-RCI_2024 Template

Presentations should be 12-15 minutes in duration, 15 minutes is the maximum duration. This will be enforced on the day by the session moderator, as there is a busy schedule on the day.

Please complete the following steps:

  1. Register for the conference as previously indicated. All presenters, chairs, discussants, facilitators, presiders, and moderators must be registered for the conference. If you are not registered for the conference your paper will be removed from the proceedings on the IEEE database.
  2. Use the template above to create your presentation.
  3. Send your presentation to the program chair on or by Wednesday 20th November for uploading to the SETU podium device.
  4. Bring a back up of your presentation as you never know what can happen on the day.

You will not be able to use your own laptop for your presentation. A multimedia/LCD projector, microphone, and pc patched to an amplification speaker is provided in all presentation rooms. Your presentation will be pre-loaded onto the SETU device in your presentation room.

Presentation Advice

  1. Remember that you — not PowerPoint — are the presenter. Use your slides to emphasize a point, keep yourself on track, and illustrate a point with a graphic or photo.
  2. Please be mindful that there are simple things you can do to make the presentation accessible to all. Refer to Making Presentations Accessible for guidance.
  3. Keep it simple, clean, and concise. Use consistent wording. One topic per line works best, so use key words rather than complete sentences. A good rule to follow is: 5 lines per slide, 5 words per line, and no more than 5 text-heavy slides in a row. Emphasize key points.
  4. “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” Keep transitions and animations simple. We want to know about your cybersecurity research.
  5. Embedded video often gives problems. Avoid it if you can.
  6. Practice to your time limit. Sessions are on a tight schedule and there are others presenting in your session. You must adhere to the time limit.
  7. Practice your presentation in front of a small group of supportive colleagues to ensure an effective performance.


We aim to promote conversations and networking. Don’t worry if you don’t get asked questions when you are on the podium. There is a good chance that someone will ask about your work during the coffee break


IEEE Copyright Transfer

Once your paper is ready you will also be required to:

  • Submit your PDF version of your paper to IEEE PDF Xpress for testing.
  • Upload your paper to Easychair, here you will sign a Copyright Transfer form that is linked to the IEEE Xplore publication.